Calvary Church
Making a place for you.
Calvary Church has now moved into our new sanctuary for weekly services.
The Calvary Connect App is now available!
Use the app to watch services, listen to podcasts, access sermon notes, post prayer requests, and much, much more! Connect with the Calvary family today.
Available for both IOS and Android
Join us
For our weekly services.
Wednesday Bible Study
Wednesday at 10:00 am
(Our podcast has new Bible Study episodes every Thursday)
Watch online.
Listen to our podcast.
Can’t make it to church? No problem! Our Pastor has our Thursday bible study messages available as a podcast as well.
You can listen to them all here:
Strong families make strong communities. At Calvary Church, we want to support all parts of the family as they grow in relationship with God.
Join us, as we build strong families together.
Calvary Church Leadership
Pastor Jeremy and First Lady Karina Hanscom
Pastor and First Lady Hanscom are committed, heart, hands, and soul, to Calvary Church and the Ottawa Community. They lead from the two main precepts that every soul counts, and that we are all called to 'go and make disciples."
Along with their vocational passion for shining the love of Christ into lives, their personal passions include motorcycle rides, their sweet dogs, and being parents.
Visit us.
1681 Cyrville Road
Gloucester, ON
(613) 519-7880