April 2021


Spring has Sprung! As we witness the resurrection of nature, we also celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. The greatest part of Spring is the celebration of regeneration. We see the grass start to green up, the trees start to bud, flowers bloom. It is a very enjoyable time of year to watch the cold winter months disappear for the months of sun and heat to reappear.

This past month of March has been amazing. We were able to celebrate two being baptized in the name of Jesus. We also rejoiced with two ladies who received the infilling of God’s spirit for the first time. We have been able to relaunch our Sunday morning youth class and have seen incredible numbers. This month,we have had our largest youth services since COVID-19 shut downs, with 42 present at our end of the month mega- service, and we had a powerful move of God. We are trusting God and working to see 50+ students and young adults this month in our April 30th mega service. If you have a young person between the ages of 12-18, or a young adult between 19-30 years of age, make sure they are connected to what is happening at Calvary Church.

In the month of April we will see our seats installed, flooring finished, and elevator installed in our new building. This will leave us virtually at the threshold of possessing an occupancy permit from the city of Ottawa. It has been a long journey, but we can see the finish line from where we stand. This month has also seen the launch of our “Mindful Minutes” Morning Devotions. Each morning at 7am, Monday to Friday, we will share a 5-6 minute devotion. These are meant to be a quick pause in your day to gain some strength or insight in the word of God. You can listen to them on any of our social media platforms, as well as through our church app. My wife and I hope that these devotions remind you of two things: One- we are praying for you; and two- we want to encourage you on your journey with God.

This month, let’s celebrate the season of rebirth and resurrection. Rejoice in what God has done for us through His only begotten Son. One day we will have a rebirth from death to life through the Spirit of God that lives in us. Even nature points to this truth. And just like our favourite flower pushes through the ground and reaches towards the sun showing its beauty of creation, the day will come when we will push through the ground and reach towards the son of God as we show the beauty of our resurrected creation.

We love each of you greatly and are praying for you.

God Bless,

Pastor and First Lady Hanscom


June 2021


March 2021